
The Grapestake Cottage

Experience the Vineyard Life!

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The Grapestake Cottage

Experience the Vineyard Life!


Toast Tours: Tours with knowledgeable guides – Hearst Castle & wine, wine tours, distillery & cocktail tours, private tours and more. Call/Text/Whatsapp: 805-400-314

Grapeline Wine Tours: Grapeline Wine Tours

Don McMahon at 805Designated Drivers: wine tours in your own vehicle. Highly experienced tour guide

Niche Wine Tours offers an exclusive, uniquely customized touring experience, specific to guests' interests and requests. Katie Gebauer, Certified Sommelier and Wine Specialist, educates and enlightens her customers about the expansive facets of wine from vineyard to glass. Tours are intimate and leisurely paced with the focus on visiting premier wineries having reputations for offering something very special. With an uncompromised concierge approach, Katie carefully selects wineries that best match her client's intentions to better understand their relationship with wine. Patrons are assured unique access to the finest of Paso Robles, which may include a personal tour of a winery or vineyard, conversations with winery owners or winemakers, private seated tastings and exquisite food pairings.

Elegant Image Limousine: Personalized, custom tours. Travel in a luxurious limousine.805-772-5390

Uncorked Wine Tours: Private or shared group tours, box lunch options, customizable tours 805-459-4500

Central Coast Wine Tour Adventures: tour in a jeep

Motorcycle SideCar Tours:  tour Paso in a chauffeur driven motorcycle with a side car!!!

Firestone Brewery Tour (home of 805) 

Activities& Attractions:

River Oaks Hot Springs Spa : River Oaks Hot Springs Spa has been a gathering place and a source of rejuvenation and relaxation for many years. Throughout their wide variety of services offered, guests can restore balance and bring peace to their mind, body and spirit. Whether it’s soaking in artesian thermal mineral springs under the starlit sky, or relaxing in the shade of a private open-air spa, you will be reborn in the opulence of nature in a tasteful, uncluttered environment. The dramatic views of Paso Robles rolling hills and vineyards, the reflective lake, and of course, the magnificent artesian thermal mineral waters are the true luxuries of River Oaks Hot Springs Spa.

Dale Evers Studio: If you appreciate art and design, you should definitely take advantage of seeing the studio of Dale Evers. We are lucky to have this talented artist in Paso Robles. "Dale Evers Studio is a mixed media, mix technique Art and Design Atelier. The studio is recognized for functional Art and Design as well as compelling works of Fine Art." Appointments are Highly recommended!

Sensorio Field of Lights: Fea­tured in The New York Times as #6 in ​“50 Places to Vis­it in 2020,” Light at Sen­so­rio fea­tures two instal­la­tions by inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed artist Bruce Munro. Field of Light is a 15-acre walk-through expe­ri­ence, Munro’s largest art­work to date, com­prised of more than 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber optics, gen­tly illu­mi­nat­ing the land­scape in sub­tle blooms of mor­ph­ing col­or that describe the undu­lat­ing land­scape. Our lat­est instal­la­tion, Light Tow­ers cel­e­brates Paso Rob­les’ exten­sive wine coun­try envi­rons, fea­tur­ing 69 tow­ers com­posed of more than 17,000 wine bot­tles, illu­mi­nat­ed with glow­ing optic fibers whose col­ors morph to an inspir­ing musi­cal score. Pow­ered by solar, these stun­ning exhi­bi­ts cap­ti­vate vis­i­tors, invit­ing them to engage with the land­scape and envi­ron­ment through an ethe­re­al light based and sculp­tur­al expe­ri­ence. Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine has called Munro’s art ​“stun­ning,” while The Guardian noted ​“This is art you feel, rather than art you view.”

Balloons over Paso: Explore the Central Coast from the air!

Covell’s Clydesdales: unique experience of riding a beautiful Clydesdale or taking a ranch tour by vehicle…see another side of Cambria! 

Hearst Castle   a must see for any visitor to the Central Coast

Horseback Riding: Country riding at its best: Contact: Kelly at: 805-467-3362 

Glass Blowing  Make a glass vase or bowl with one on one instruction  805-927-4248 

Bicycle Riding: Bicycles delivered to the Cottage. Guests have raved about the electric bikes available! 

Hiking Trails in the County: Hiking Information


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